fall background

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Hero...

Well now...it's done. Dr. Piedad is a superhero in my eyes. As nervous as I was about my surgery from about a week out until the morning of, when Billy and I left for the hospital I felt a calming peace over me. I was anxious not about getting the ablation done but just wanting to get it over with and on with my life. After all...I am too young to be dealing with heart issues.

My original plan was to get up and eat at 5am. Well, I didn't get up and therefore missed my opportunity to eat my last meal before surgery. On the way to the hospital, my stomach starts grawling. Nice! I won't be able to eat until like 5pm and I am already hungry.

We get to Wellstar Kennestone Hospital 45 minutes before I had to be there. Found our way to the Blue Tower and went through the registration process. It was really quiet smooth. Leaving there we found the blue elevator and went up to the cardiac floor. From there they asked Billy to wait in the family waiting room. I was then taken back and given an EKG and had to do bloodworm. After that Billy was allowed to come hang out with me.

Then we just had to wait until 1:00. I had several visitors before I went into surgery. At 12:45 my nurse started moving me into the operating area. The OR was pretty neat. They had big screen tvs that the team used to see what was going on in my heart and keep up with my vitals. The played music the whole time. The nurses were very nice and explained what was going on the entire time. They really made me feel comfortable.

After the procedure, I got to visit with family while I had to lay flat for four hours. I passed the time by watching tv and playing on the iPad. I really felt bad for Billy. He was so tired. He did get much sleep the night before and needless to say he was beat. After being discharged at about 9:30, Billy and I went through the drive through at Arby's to grab a bite and headed on home to get some much needed sleep.

Let the recovery begin!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Today is the day!

After many years of not knowing what this "heart thing" is, its finally time. Time to get it all taken care of. Time to put this Suproventricular Tachacardia behind me. Today, I will have Cathedar Oblasion Surgery. My prayer is that Dr. Piedad and his staff are lead by my heavenly father. I pray that it is a stress free, uneventful procedure that will be over before I know it.

I have been swampped with texts and facebook messages telling me that people are praying for me today. These messages mean the world to me. Just to know that people think enough of me to stop what they are doing and pray for my wellbeing simply blows my mind. When you think the world has gotten too busy, too hectic to care about one another, something like this comes along and people really do still care about each other. To all of my friends and family, I thank you for think and praying for me and my little family today. You guys are amazing!

I will blog again as soon as I am able.

Love You Guys!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Boys of Fall

Baby Bryant's 2nd Birthday Party

At the beginning of fall, we had the chance to visit one of our favorite little friends on his birthday. Bryant had his 2nd birthday party at his house. Complete with a petting zoo, Bryant's Elmo birthday party was a hit! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to out little friend!

The boys enjoyed pizza, juiceboxes and most of all..... CAKE & ICECREAM!

Will decided to turn his party hat into an angry bird mask. That boy is a nut!

My Lil Indian...

Will's class celebrated Thanksgiving by dressing up like indians.

They earned feathers for their head dresses for good behavior.

Will really loves Mrs. Bell's class.

Trick or Treat Smell My Feet...

The time had finally come. It was Halloween Day and the boys were so excited to go Trick-or-Treating in their Optimist Prime (AKA. Octopus Crime) and Bumblebee costumes. I was so proud of my boys and their costumes. After our photo shoot, the boys began filling up their buckets with candy. By the end of the night, their buckets were so heavy that they needed help carrying them. The boys had a great time and Billy and I had a great time watching them. This is what life is all about...

On a mission for candy...

This guy sits out in front of his house every year.

He sits perfectly still and lets the little kids get candy from his basket.

If the older kids try to grab more than two pieces he scares them. It is so funny!

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Preparing for Halloween

The boys wanted to be transformers for Halloween this year. It was my job to make it happen. I rounded up all of the boxes that I could find, made a store run for some spray paint and this is what we came up with.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Schools For Everyone!

Logan started the 2011 school year off at Tomorrow's Child LDC. It was a BIG adjustment for him to change from private to public school but he loves it! The first day of school was made perfect by his new Mario backpack.
Will and Logan on Logan's first day of school.

Logan and Will on Will's first day of school. This year Will began attending Hamilton Crossing Elementary School. He is in Mrs. Bell's Kindergarten class and absolutely LOVES it!

The boys show off their backpacks before heading off to school.

Will with Mrs. Bell on the first day of school. He was a little nervous

but excited at the same time.

I also started at a new school this year. After 10 years, I returned to teach middle school at Cass Middle School. This is the school where I started my teaching career in 2001. A lot has changed since then and I think I'm gonna like it here.

Take Me Out To The Ballgame...

September, 18th Billy and I took the boys to The Varsity for hotdogs and to see the Atlanta Braves play their last home Sunday game of the season. After the game the boys got to run the bases at Turner Field. They got a certificate and tshirt and I got lots of photo opportunities.

Whata ya have? Whata ya have?

The boys have their picture taken with my dad's baseball number....

Oh and Maddox too.

My guys!

Me and my boys

Logan says, "get outta my way buddy!"

GO Willman GO!

The boys pose with their shirts that say

"I Ran The Bases at Turner Field" on the back.