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Friday, July 30, 2010

Way Down Deep In the Deep Blue Sea...

Today was so exciting for both myself and the boys. To top off what has been a great summer Robbie/Grammy (my mother in-law), the boys and I headed into Atlanta to visit The Georgia Aquarium. Evidentally, lots of people had the same idea because it was packed. Nonetheless, both boys were stoked to finally get inside and "see the big fish". The looks on the boys faces when they saw some of the massive sea life were priceless. Will's favorite was definately the Baluga Whales. They really put on a show by doing tricks in the tank. Logan really enjoyed seeing the shark.

Will and Logan look at the stingray.

The boys liked the waterfall!

Will wanted to know more about each fish.

This massive Manta Ray came right up to the glass.

Hammer Head Shark

The boys just couldn't get enough.

Before we left the aquarium, we had to visit the gift shop. Grammy bought Will a Baluga Whale and Logan a Clown Fish. The boys had so much fun that they both fell asleep shortly after leaving. Thanks Grammy for joining us on our first aquarium adventure.

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