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Monday, March 14, 2011

Its Finally Soccer Day!

On Saturday, March 12th, Logan finally got to start a sport of his own. After a year of standing on the sidelines, cheering on his big brother, it was finally his turn to get in on the action. He had looked forward to this day for over a month. It was finally here...Soccer Day!
After getting his new soccer ball and jersey he was ready to go. Although he is the youngest and smallest kid out there, he holds his own.

One....Two....Three....RED LIGHT!

Extra speedy cleats help him win the race...or so he told me.

My little Kicker

Tongue out...just like Daddy. Lol.

He shoots...He scores!!!

Dad gives Logan some pointers like don't touch the ball with your hands.


Logan had a great time and can't wait until next Saturday!

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