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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Book Character Day at White Elementary 10/29/2010

One of the most anticipated days at White Elementary is Book Character Day. The students and staff dress up like their favorite book characters and have a parade around the school. It is a really good time for everyone. Will's Pre-K class decided to dress up like the characters from the book "Click Clack Moo". Mrs. Gaddy was Farmer Brown, Ms. Reesa was the duck and the kids were the cows. They were so cute!!!!!!
Mrs. Gaddy and Will pose for a picture before leaving for the Pre-K fieldtrip to Applefest. Will loves Mrs. Gaddy.
Ms. Reesa and Will pose for a quick picture before the Book Character Parade begins. There is nothing Ms. Reesa will not do for these kids. She is Awesome!

Will is the cutest cow I have ever seen.

Will and his buddy Kade Brown

These are some of my favorite 4th grade girls from my class:
(l-r) Mia, Erin, Cailyn, Madison, and Lauren

Will walking in his first Book Character Parade.

This is Olivia. Will tells me that she is his girlfriend. She is so cute! Every little boy in that class probably thinks she is their girlfriend.

Will and Kade brown watching the parade go by their classroom

Will's class poses with the lunchroom staff (who dressed up with milk mustaches)

These are the fourth grade teachers as
Raggedy Ann and Andy & Thing 1 and Thing 2

Me and my teammate Samantha Turley

Will and Kristian Westmoreland. She is the cutest candycorn I know! All of the kids at school love Will-Man. It is so funny to watch him interact with the 4th and 5th graders.

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