fall background

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Will's First Soccer Practice

Friday, August 27th, was Will's first U6 soccer practice. He was super excited about his first year of soccer. After gearing up with our shin guards, soccer socks, water bottle, and new soccer ball we headed to the River Green soccer fields for practice. Coach Todd Baker met with the kids and taught them some drills. Will had so much fun. He can't wait until next Fridays practice.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

On Saturday, August 14th, the whole Pichon family got together to go to the Braves game to celebrate Billy's 32nd birthday. First, we met at The Varsity to enjoy a few chili slaw dogs before the big game. The boys had so much fun watchin cars drive under the dining area. They loved wearing their Varsity hats and Logan learned a new trick with drinking straws.

After arriving at Turner Field, Billy bought the boys their first Atlanta Braves baseball caps. By this time we were ready to go into the stadium. At the gate they were giving out free Moon Pies. That was right up Logan's alley. We finally found our seats and the game began. The boys watched more of the Jumbotron then they did the actual game. They loves doing the tomahawk chop and dancing to the at bat music. They really had a wonderful night.

Whada ya have? Whada ya have?

Will and Logan loved eating at the Varsity for the first time!

From the Heyward shirts and Braves hats to the foam fingers....WE ARE READY!

The guys are so excited about the ball game!

My three favorite boys pose for a picture.

My boys in their Jason Heyward Shirts. GO BRAVES!!!

Logan enjoys his first ever Chocolate Moon Pie. Yumm-O!

The boys support the home team.

Logan and his rally cap!

Will wearing his rally cap

J-Hey up to bat.....GO BRAVES!

Will and Aunt Amanda dance during the 7th inning stretch.

The Atlanta skyline from Turner Field

Will-Man Starts School...

On August 9th, Will reached another milestone. It was the day that he had been waiting for all summer. It was the first day of "Big Boy School". Will was super excited about his first day of Pre-K. He was all ready...from his Buzz Lightyear backpack to his Lightning McQueen lunchbox, he was ready for school and all that was in store for him. After dropping Logan off at Mrs. Angie's house, the two of us were off to meet Daddy at White Elementary. When we got to the school, Will lead Billy and I to his classroom so that Billy could meet Mrs. Gaddy and see his new Pre-K class. After a few pictures, Will was on his on. That afternoon, I picked him up in car riders and he was smiling from ear to ear. I was so excited that he loved his first day at school. It is such a blessing to have him at my school. It is comforting to me to know that if he ever needs anything that I am just across the building. We are so excited about his teachers (Mrs. Gaddy and Mrs. Reesa). We could not have gotten any better teachers. They are AWESOME! After I picked him up the two of us had ice cream to celebrate. It was a great first day!!!

Will and Logan enjoyed our last Movie Day of the summer. We saw Monsters vs. Aliens. The boys had a great time. It was kind of sad seeing our summer together come to an end but we have had the best summer ever! I love the ages that my boys are right now. They are so much fun!

Hanging out with the Griffin Girls

Logan, Maddie and SoSo pose for a picture after church.
Logan and Maddie

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Play Date & Dinner

Billy and I took the boys for a play date and dinner with Maddie and Sophia, who were staying at the Steele's while their parents were away for their anniversary trip. The kids played in the back yard and made a huge mess with bubbles. They had a great time and we had a great time hanging out with Tim and Cindy.