fall background

Thursday, January 13, 2011

On day two of our week off, due to Winter Storm 2011, Billy found another place inside our subdivision to take the boys sledding. It was so much fun. The boys loved it!!!
Will goes all by himself....What a big guy!!!

On Your Mark....Get Set....SNOW!!!Mommy and Logan join in on the fun...

If you're scared...Say you're scared!!!
Dad's turn!!!

You're never too old to play in the snow!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

SNOW DAY 2011!!!

When we put the boys to bed last night there was not one snowflake on the ground. This morning, as they woke up and looked outside, it was a winter wonderland. Canton got between 5 and 6 inches of snow overnight. The boys were thrilled to go out and play in the snow. So, in celebration od school being cancelled we bundled up and headed for Central Park (inside our neighborhood). The truck slipped and slid all the way there but these boys were determined to go sledding.

Will and Logan walking from the truck to the soccer fields.

Will gears up for the first run of the day...

"Mommy, that was Awesome!!!"

Logan's turn...

And now Mommy!

Will climbs back up the hill to go again...

Logan wants to push Daddy.

Will and Logan tackle the hill together...with the help of Dad.

What a great day!!!

Last run of the day...


Billy, the boys, and I had a really good time sledding and playing in the snow. We just got word that school is cancelled for tomorrow.
On tomorrow's agenda: Operation Snowman! :)
Since soccer season is over, Billy and I wanted to get Will envolved in something that would get him out from in front of the television and active. We decided to introduce Will to TaeKwonDo. After only 4 classes Will has really taken to it. From the time the class begins to the ending dodgeball game, he has a smile on his face from ear to ear. He is my little "Karate Kid".

Saturday, January 01, 2011

New Year's Eve with ZBB!!!

Billy and I were so excited to be able to celebrate the New Year by joining great friends to go to The Zac Brown Band concert at Phillips Arena. We started the night at Legal Sea Foods. Later, we went to dinner at Ted's Montana Grill before heading to the concert. The concert was one of the best I have ever been to. We had a fabulous time and rang in the new year with the sold out crowd. It was awesome!

Taking pictures before leaving The Hilton

Ryan and Melissa McIver

Cindy and I at Legal Sea Foods

Ryan, Billy and Melissa

Tim and Cindy(above) Ryan and Melissa(below) at Ted's Montana Grill

"Life is good today..."

New Year's Cookies

In celebration of New Year's Eve, the boys wanted to make and decorate sugar cookies. They had a really good timein the kitchen and
were very proud of their cookies.